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Level: B1
Title: A Devoted Man
John had always been a devoted man, with a deep faith in God. He had faced many challenges in his life, but he never lost his trust in the divine. One day, he was walking through a park when he saw something truly miraculous happen. He noticed an old woman struggling to carry a heavy bag of groceries. She was frail and weak, and it was clear that she needed help. Without hesitation, John rushed over to her and offered to carry the bag for her. As he took the bag from her, something incredible happened. The bag suddenly became much lighter, almost weightless. John was amazed, but he didn't let it distract him from his task. He helped the old woman all the way to her doorstep, making sure that she was safe and comfortable. As he walked away, John couldn't help but feel that he had witnessed a miracle. He knew that God had been watching over him and had given him the strength to help the old woman. He felt truly blessed for the experience. From that day on, John became even more devoted to his faith. He shared the story of the miracle with everyone he met, hoping to inspire others to be kind and selfless. He knew that if he could make a difference in even one person's life, he had accomplished something truly amazing. Years later, when John was an old man himself, he looked back on that day in the park with fondness and gratitude. He knew that he had been given a special gift, and he had used it to help someone in need. That was all that mattered to him.
1. Devoted
Example: John had always been a devoted man, with a deep faith in God.
Dictionary Definition: Having strong love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.
2. Faith
Example: John had faced many challenges in his life, but he never lost his trust in the divine.
Dictionary Definition: Strong belief or trust in someone or something, often without logical proof or evidence.
3. Miraculous
Example: John saw something truly miraculous happen when he helped the old woman in the park.
Dictionary Definition: Extraordinary and surprising, often associated with divine intervention or supernatural events.
4. Frail
Example: The old woman struggling with the heavy bag of groceries appeared frail and weak.
Dictionary Definition: Physically weak or delicate, often as a result of age or illness.
5. Hesitation
Example: Without hesitation, John rushed over to help the old woman with her groceries.
Dictionary Definition: Pausing or delaying before doing something, often due to uncertainty or doubt.
6. Incredible
Example: John was amazed by the incredible transformation of the heavy bag into something much lighter.
Dictionary Definition: Difficult to believe; astonishing or extraordinary.
7. Distraction
Example: Even though the bag suddenly became lighter, John didn't let it distract him from helping the old woman.
Dictionary Definition: Something that diverts attention away from what one is doing or thinking.
8. Comfortable
Example: John made sure the old woman was safe and comfortable after helping her with the groceries.
Dictionary Definition: Feeling physically relaxed and at ease, often in a pleasant environment.
9. Witnessed
Example: John couldn't help but feel that he had witnessed a miracle while helping the old woman.
Dictionary Definition: Seeing or experiencing an event firsthand; being present during an occurrence.
10 .Gratitude
Example: Years later, John looked back on that day with fondness and gratitude.
Dictionary Definition: Feeling thankful or appreciative, especially towards someone who has done something kind or helpful.
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