Hello dear student,
Vamos estudar o texto In the park aqui nesse post? Mas primeiro vamos assistir o vídeo? Ouça e repita o texto com atenção para práticar o seu Listening e Spreaking.
Apesar de ser um texto mais básico você irá encontrar aqui alguns phasal verbs e palavras bem especificas. Mas não se preocupe! Trouxe algumas frases e traduções para ajudar você, elas estárão logo após o texto.
In the park
The park is my favorite resting place. The park is a good place for both the growns-up, the elderly and children. In the park you can not only rest outdoors, but also have fun and amuse yourself. I have a pretty big family. It comprises mom, dad, two grandfathers and two grandmothers. I'm not the only child in the family. There are four of us - three girls and one boy. It is not difficult to understand that this boy is me. My name is Dennis, and I am 14 years old. All my sisters are younger than me, so I'm the oldest in the family. That's why when we go to the park, I watch my little sisters, whom I appreciate and love so much. My friends often wonder why I hardly ever quarrel with my sisters. It is difficult for me to answer this question. Probably, parents brought us up accordingly, that is, to take one another for granted and never to nitpick. So, in five minutes we are all going to the park. Mom gathered all the necessary things and dad put it into the trunk. Grandparents are meant to be met already in the park, because they do not live with us. In the park I plan to take rides, rent rollerblades for my two sisters who have already learned to rollerblade. As for my youngest sister, there are many rides for small children in the park. Parents and grandparents will probably take a walk in a park and talk about everything that is going on now in the world. They are unlikely to have a rest. They must be constantly on the alert lest the grandchildren should do some mischiefs.
quarrel = an angry disagreement between two or more people or groups
I hardly ever quarrel with my sisters
We have no quarrel with the people of your country (= we have no reason to disagree with or dislike them).
nitpick = to find faults in details that are not important
botar defeito, criticar
You're always nitpicking - it's so annoying!
(Você está sempre criticando - é tão chato!)
be meant to do something - to be intended to:
Deve, pretende
These batteries are meant to last for a year.
(Essas baterias devem durar um ano.)
rollerblade = to go rollerblading
patins, andar de patins
mischiefs = behaviour, especially a child's, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage
She's a lively little girl, full of mischief.
(Ela é uma garotinha alegre que faz muitas travessuras.)
alert = a warning to people to get ready to deal with something dangerous:
The police were on the alert for (= watching carefully for) any sign of trouble.
(A polícia estava alerta para qualquer sinal de problema.)
Phrasal verbs [ Os phrasal verbs são verbos que vêm acompanhados por preposições ou advérbios. O sentido dessas palavras pode mudar completamente.]
brought us up = to care for a child until he or she is an adult, often giving him or her particular beliefs
criar alguém
My parents brought us up accordingly.
She was brought up by her grandmother.
take someone/something for granted = If you take situations or people for granted, you do not realize or show that you are grateful for how much you get from them.
não dar valor a algo/alguém, considerar algo/alguém como certo
One of the problems with relationships is that after a while you just take each other for granted.
(Um dos problemas com os relacionamentos é que, depois de um tempo, vocês simplesmente não se dão mais valor.)
go on = to happen
I'm sure we never hear about a lot of what goes on in government.
(Tenho certeza de que nunca ouvimos falar muito do que acontece no governo.)
This war has been going on for years.
(Esta guerra vem acontecendo há anos.)
Estude mais: Pesquise mais significados, mas lembre-se de estudar com frases para entender o contexto que a palavra está inserida. Uma palavra pode ter muitos significados ainda mais se for um phrasal verb. Como você pode ver utilizei muito o Dicionary Cambridge para que você conheça essa ferramenta.
A1/A2 = É hora de adquirir vocabulários novos como verbos, substantivos, adjetivos e advérbios e estudar a gramática.
B1/B2 = É hora de adquirir vocabulários novos como verbos, substantivos, adjetivos e advérbios, frases idiomáticas e começar a estudar phrasal verbs e a gramática.
C1/C2 = É hora de estudar mais os phrasal verbs e pesquisá-los em dicionários em inglês e continue aprofundando seus conhecimentos na língua inglesa.
Estude esse texto no Lingualeo
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