Estrenamos nuestro PODCAST - Go Listen!🎧para que practiques tus habilidades auditivas y amplíes tu vocabulario en inglés mientras aprendes sobre la historia y los intereses de la familia Santos y cómo es su rutina.
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Level: A1
Title: The Santos Family
The Santos family lived in a small town in the countryside. They were a humble family, but they were happy. Their daily routine was simple, yet fulfilling.
Every morning, Mr. Santos would wake up early to tend to the farm. He had a small piece of land where he grew fruits and vegetables. He would water the plants, weed the soil, and harvest the produce. The fresh fruits and vegetables were not only for the family's consumption but also for sale at the local market.
Mrs. Santos would wake up soon after her husband and prepare breakfast for the family. She would cook eggs, toast, and coffee. The family would gather around the table to enjoy their meal and plan their day.
Their two children, Juan and Maria, would then get ready for school. They would put on their uniforms and pack their backpacks with books and supplies. Mr. Santos would drive them to school before heading to the market to sell his produce.
While Mr. Santos was at the market, Mrs. Santos would do the household chores. She would wash the dishes, sweep the floor, and do the laundry. She would also take care of the family's small garden, where she grew flowers and herbs.
In the afternoon, Juan and Maria would come home from school. They would do their homework and play outside with their friends. Mrs. Santos would prepare lunch for the family, usually consisting of rice, beans, and chicken.
After lunch, Mr. Santos would return from the market, and the family would spend some time together. They would chat and watch TV or play games. In the evening, Mrs. Santos would prepare dinner, and the family would eat together again.
Before going to bed, the family would say their prayers and thank God for their blessings. They would then retire to their rooms for a good night's sleep.
The Santos family's daily routine may seem simple, but it was filled with love and contentment. They may not have had much, but they had each other, and that was all that mattered.

1. humble (humilde): Adjective, not proud or not believing that you are important. (Adjetivo, no orgulloso o no creer que eres importante)

Example: He's very humble about his success. (Es muy humilde acerca de su éxito.)
2. fulfilling (satisfatório): Adjective, making you feel happy and satisfied (Adjetivo, hacerte sentir feliz y satisfecho.)

Example: Winning the game was fulfilling for Sarah. It made her feel happy and satisfied. (Ganar el juego fue gratificante para Sarah. La hizo sentir feliz y satisfecha)
3. routine (rotina): Noun, a usual or fixed way of doing things. (Sustantivo, una forma habitual o fija de hacer las cosas.)

Example: Anna, follows a morning routine. She brushes her teeth, eats breakfast, and then goes to school every day. (Anna, sigue una rutina matutina. Se cepilla los dientes, desayuna y luego va a la escuela todos los días.)
4. tend (tratar,cuidar): Verb, to care for something or someone. (Verbo cuidar algo o alguien)

Example: He carefully tended his sunflower plants. (Cuidó cuidadosamente sus plantas de girasol.)
5. produce (produzir): Verb, to make something or bring something into existence. (Verbo, hacer algo o traer algo a la existencia.)

Example: France produces a great deal of wine for export. (Francia produce una gran cantidad de vino para la exportación)
6. consumption (consumo): Noun, act of using, eating, or drinking something. (Sustantivo, acto de usar, comer o beber algo)

Example: As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying. (Como nación, nuestro consumo de comida chatarra es horroroso)
7. chores (tarefa): Noun, a job or piece of work that needs to be done regularly. (Sustantivo, um trabajo que precisa ser hecho regularmente)

Example: By the time he’d finished all the household chores it was mid-afternoon. (Cuando termino todas las tareas domésticas, já era meio da tarde)
8. herbs (erva): Noun, a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavour to particular dishes or in making medicine. (Sustantivo, tipo de planta cujas folhas são utilizado na culinária para dar sabor a determinados pratos ou na fabricación de remedios)

Example: Basil, oregano, thyme, and rosemary are all herbs. (La albahaca, el orégano, el tomillo y el romero son hierbas)
9. contentment (contentamento): Noun, happiness and satisfaction, often because you have everything you need. (Sustantivo felicidad y satisfacción, a menudo porque tienes todo lo que necesitas.)

Example: More people were finding that material things do not bring contentment. (Cada vez más personas estaban descubriendo que las cosas materiales no traen satisfacción)
10. blessings (bênçãos): Noun, a request by a priest for God to take care of a particular person or a group of people, or God's act of doing this (Sustantivo, una solicitud de un sacerdote para que Dios cuide de una persona o grupo de personas en particular, o el acto de Dios de hacerlo)

Example: Lara's family considers good health and happiness as blessings. They are thankful for them every day. (La familia de Lara considera que la buena salud y la felicidad son bendiciones. Están agradecidos por ellos todos los días)
11. retire (se retirar, aposentar): Verb, to go to bed (Verbo, ir a la cama)

Example: The family would retire to their rooms at night. (La familia se retiró a sus habitaciones por la noche)
*RETIRE también puede significar jubilarse.
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